Mr. Patel is speaking Evolving CIO responsibilities and how digital transformation, automation, AI, etc. are enhancing productivity and eficiency of…
Ranjith is speaking about how CloudBox is growing in the SOC space providing customers necessary monitoring and managing services.
Sunil is speaking about the value proposition of Finesse in the region.
Speaking to Balaka Baruah of Accent Info Media, Tejas is speaking about importance of PKI and relevance to IOT solutions.
Sachin is speaking about the value proposition of Exotel and how Exotel is changing the dynamics of customer experience.
Gregory is speaking to Balaka Baruah of Accent Info Media about how AI is bringng a great revolution in the…
Jose Menacherry speaking about the focus of Bulwark and expectation at Gitex 2023, Dubai.
Claire Mollan is speaking about Heimdal Security core competency and engagement strategy with Accent Infotech Media, Group Editor Sanjay Mohapatra.
Salman Ali is speaking about Observability landscape in the region and expectation from Gitex 2023.