Mr. Suresh PrabhuHon’ble Union Minister for Commerce and Industry,Govt. of India on Enterprise IT World ChangeEvents 200 ,Event at Hotel…
This is an informative Channel for all CIOs or potencial CIOs.
Ms. Dana Nahari, Consulfor Trade & Economic Affairsat the Consulate General ofIsrael in Mumbai speakingduring Keynote at EnterpriseIT World and…
Mr. Brijesh Singh, InspectorGeneral of Police (Cyber) andCISO, Maharashtra speakingduring Keynote at EnterpriseIT World and InfosecFoundation SecuritySymposium 2018, HotelLeela, Mumbai
Jyotish Werulkar , Country Manager, Enteprise Sales , SEQRITE speaking at Enterprise IT World & InfoSec Foundation Security Symposium 2018,…
Navdeep Singh Ahluwalia, Head Network & Information Security, Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd. on 4 City Security Symposium 2018